

Pebble in a well

Favorite films

  • Apocalypse Now
  • Magnolia
  • Stroszek
  • The Enigma of Kaspar Hauser

Recent activity

  • Further Beyond

  • High and Low


  • Arrival


  • American Honey


Recent reviews

  • American Honey

    American Honey


    Ahhhh, my body is still feeling the phantom pull of the groovy credits song (wasn't that just perfect? if the movie a kind of make-shift musical where the songs are personal selections by characters to fuel them, encourage them, soothe them on their sprawling journey the immediate nondiagesis of this cut feels like a definite signal of the end and its 70s throwback smoothness and play on the simple pop sentiments of the time while being totally earnest is just…

  • La Dolce Vita

    La Dolce Vita


    *brings quivering lips up to ravaged finger tips, kisses them, and sobs painfully* b-b-bellisimo..

Popular reviews

  • Wild Strawberries

    Wild Strawberries


    ‘Smultronstället’ is a word of odd mystique and indefinable beauty that as I sit here simply looking at it, it rouses something in me. Perhaps the expectation of discovery, of adventure. With such a unique foreign word it makes you wonder if it’s not one of those untranslatable words that seem to occupy a place in every language, each encompassing some great spectrum of emotion that can’t be captured in a single word. It’s easy to fear something may get…

  • The Wicker Man

    The Wicker Man


    “Come. It is time to keep your appointment with The Wicker Man.”

    - Lord Summerisle

    The celebrations must continue, and with Christopher Lee’s cheery ominiousness we are introduced to a figure which provides much cause for song and dance, for fear and awe, reverence and inspiration, for sheer horror; a great twined behemoth that looms above on a hill of sweeping grass and sharp upturned rock, its face plain and ready, waiting for whatever and whomever it is given, yet…