Co-Host of The Film Angle Podcast.
My favourite films are made up of the last 4 films I watched and rated 5 stars.
I spoke to director, Julien Lasseur and writer, Brian Groh about Somebody Cares here.
I wish the whole film had been as interesting as the opening twenty minute "unbroken" shot but unfortunately the characters start to become a little difficult to watch, especially Sergi who really comes across as quite a toxic guy. I just couldn't route for their relationship.
This film was absolutely stunning and truly uses the full scope of the medium to tell a small and incredibly important snapshot from the life of Jackie Kennedy. The film is almost dreamlike, it cuts around from at least three different timelines, held together by a beautiful and haunting score that creates a sense of dysphoria, much like the mind state of Jackie herself, a woman who is simply trying to process a horrific experience which nobody around her wants…