SuperPaul Chad Blur Pauliey

SuperPaul Chad Blur Pauliey

Favorite films

  • The Fall Guy
  • Superman
  • Tangled
  • Star Wars: Episode III – Revenge of the Sith

Recent activity

  • Snow White


  • Superman: Doomsday


  • Prometheus


  • Elizabethtown


Recent reviews

  • Snow White

    Snow White


    I like Rachel Zegler as Snow White and I like her singing it is a okay film.

  • Superman: Doomsday

    Superman: Doomsday


    Superman Doomday is based on Doomday comic. I love reading the Superman Doomday comic when I was a kid and watching Lois and Clark at the time. I also dress as Superman too in my backyard as a kid with only a red towel and sometimes a draw on S on my tshirt. Good memories fun times! 😄

    Fans will enjoy easter eggs and references to Superman universe and comics.

    It's a movie for mature audience it has a action pack storyline and lots of heart.

    I love Superman as a hero as he is good as a beacon of light and hope in the world.🦸‍♂️

Popular reviews

  • The Transformers: The Movie

    The Transformers: The Movie


    First time watching Transformers The Movie I love the action and dinosaurs Transformers and voice acting. This movie full of 80s cheese. It is a fun ride with a awesome rock sound track. I enjoy this movie. 🦕😎

  • Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: The Movie

    Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: The Movie


    I love Power Ranger as I grew up watching them since I was little boy in Primary School. It the first movie I watch at cinemas, as my mum bought me to watch it and it always bring smile and get to my heart and reminds me when I was a kid. It's a film for kids and kids at heart bad monster vs Power Rangers. I grew up in 90s and it has the classic 90s cheese. I meet…
