Mildly amusing comedy that doesn't live up to the talent involved.
Also, the director John Landis is a piece of crap so it's hard for me to judge his work without thinking of the actors he killed. 🤷♂️
Mildly amusing comedy that doesn't live up to the talent involved.
Also, the director John Landis is a piece of crap so it's hard for me to judge his work without thinking of the actors he killed. 🤷♂️
The director who gave us Casino Royale just delivered this absolute slog of an "action movie".
I'm all for Die Hard derivative movies; Speed is a gem - a legendary action film in its own right. The key is you have to have action in them - Cleaner has Daisy Ridley hanging out on a window cleaning platform for 80% of the movie with unconvincing VFX.
The dialogue is flat or straight exposition, the characters dull or lame broad stereotypes…
A movie full of things that are seemingly funny but when pieced together it coalesces into something so awful it’s almost a film comprised of anti-jokes.
The entire premise of the movie seems to be predicated on the viewer finding a caricature of midwest, middle-aged women hilarious without putting the effort in to make them more than an accent and wardrobe.
Jamie Dornan is embarrassingly left out to dry every second he’s on screen. He’s presented as the straight-man to…
Structurally this short is constructed to drive the main character into this "heart-felt" conversation with Richard Simmons through social and physical trials but there's no real emotion to anything so the intended intimate moment between the 2 is flat and hollow. I never felt any moment of connection or understanding between the actors or the characters.
Pauly Shore is best when he's the Paul Shore persona, whenever he's tasked with actual acting he's awful. There's no Richard Simmons vibe in…