You're what the French call "les incompetents"
The stars are for how it delivers on expectation
After years of time away, I made the mistake of dipping my toes back into the cesspool of franchises that is Marvel Studios.
These films [and their TV shows] have become completely incestual of each other, and peak with their numerous cameos, references, and callbacks to other spin-offs.
What do you get when you cross a poorly written musical with a courtroom drama and abandon all character development?
You get two f*cking stars.
“But why Earth, Jor-El? They're primitives, thousands of years behind us.”
Sometime in the late 70s a nine-year-old girl turned on the TV to find the ethereal beauty of Christopher Reeve saving the city of Metropolis. Little did she know, she’d end up marrying a real super man—my father, and that John Williams’ transcendent score would be performed by the TSO for their son, 30 years later.
Putting myself in my mother’s nine-year-old shoes was easy, because of how much…