

Favorite films

  • The Night of the Hunter
  • The Big Lebowski
  • Jaws
  • The Discreet Charm of the Bourgeoisie

Recent activity

  • The Long Good Friday


  • Election


  • Bullet Train

  • Two Thousand Maniacs!


Recent reviews

  • The Long Good Friday

    The Long Good Friday


    London is so sleazy and tacky here that it is a joy to behold. Bob Hoskins explodes from the screen like Cagney in White Heat. Mirren is fantastic too and a total smokeshow. A real fun time at the movies!

  • Election



    A matter of fact telling of a triad election that pulls the rug from under your feet. The way the violence is portrayed is willfully messy and blunt.
    Johnny To abstains from artful superhuman fight sequences to stress the reality of the triad infighting. Lots of great characters are expertly introduced with just some few brush strokes. The last killings of the movie are unforgetable, because of some monkeys reacting to it and most important of all, the ghastly expression on the face of a young kid who witnesses his father annihilating his rival. Highly recommended.

Popular reviews

  • Experiment in Terror

    Experiment in Terror


    This is a good looking film. Lee Remick is quite good too, but Glen Ford doesen't seem that invested in the whole thing. Compare his lackluster performance to his cop in Fritz Langs stellar The Big Heat and you know what i'm talking about. The most memorable thing here is the theme song by Henry Mancini.

  • The Curse of Frankenstein

    The Curse of Frankenstein


    Since the 30'ties the name Frankenstein became a synonym for the monster itself and not the scientist. It seems Terence Fisher, Jimmy Sangster and Peter Cushing were aware of this mixup and doubled down on it. They made their scientist the monster, and it works like a charm. Cushing is killing it as he paints the baron as a self-centered, ambitious, horny and conniving killer. The monster he creates seems like the visual embodiment of his cruel personality. Great stuff!
