

Favorite films

  • Brokeback Mountain
  • Pride & Prejudice
  • Interstellar
  • The Message

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  • The Message


  • The Basketball Diaries


  • Dead Poets Society


  • Barbie


Recent reviews

  • The Message

    The Message


    Definitely one of the best religions movies ever if not the best.

    the historical accuracy is one of the things that makes it good to me, being non-biased and respectful for others is also a thing that made it different bcs almost every movie mock one of the religions which is ridiculous.

    also it has alot of historical things that alot don't pay attention to it, and as someone who read all this stories before I'm impressed with how they mentioned almost everything and show to the world a things they never heard of.

    it's simply a perfect historical-religious movie.

  • Dead Poets Society

    Dead Poets Society


    It has robin williams in it ofc it's peak like..

    بس فعلًا من افضل واروع الاعمال الفنيه بعالم السينما بشكل عام، حبكة رائعة وشخصيات كتابيه ممتازه، عمل يحتوي على جميع انواع العلاقات تقريبًا (حب، كراهية، عائلة، زمالة، الخ) وهو من الاشياء الي أعطى الفلم لمسة مميزه بسبب كثرة المشاعر نتيجة اختلاف العلاقات لكن للأسف مو الكل قادر انه يفهم العُمق الي بالفلم وكيف أنه يحتوي على اشياء أعمق من انهم ينتبهون لها مع مشاهدة خاطفه، الفلم يحتاج تدقيق على أصغر…

Popular reviews

  • Bungee Jumping of Their Own

    Bungee Jumping of Their Own


    Good but I'm probably not gonna watch it again 

    the plot is actually good tho but unfortunately alot of people are sleeping on it and see it as a BL movie like?? It's not that deep plot either. 
    I mean yeah putting it as a teacher and a student is lowkey creepy but it's nothing near BL.

    People really needs to have emotional intelligence to understand this movie well

  • Jurassic Park

    Jurassic Park


    Call me crazy but this shit is better than I thought it's actually pretty good, I love dinosaurs frfr
