Worthy of all the praise it is receiving. Entrancing with some of the greatest jazz musicians of all time.
Those videos of Dulles are some of the most sickening things I’ve seen in my life.
Worthy of all the praise it is receiving. Entrancing with some of the greatest jazz musicians of all time.
Those videos of Dulles are some of the most sickening things I’ve seen in my life.
It is unbearable that this treatment of Palestinians is allowed to continue. There is no reason that this has to keep happening. It is a shame that no one of any authority is willing to do anything to stop this.
Ultimately I feel the fatal flaw in this documentary is that the director is too vested in his own personal interests to present a full picture. Yes I understand that he is uniquely qualified to discuss the issues that persist at his university, but he is very biased in my opinion. Most individuals that partook in awful actions are absolved of their actions by someone that has no right to do that.
I felt like this documentary would have felt…
As the documentary ended I realized how dirty I felt for streaming this on Amazon Prime. I reflected that I am contributing to the very thing driving this mall out of business.
Jasper Mall is the most heartfelt documentary I’ve watched in awhile. It’s spectacular to see people be themselves in this nightmare we all live in. Everyone shines in their own way.
This documentary is beautifully shot too. There’s a short clip of a thunderstorm over the mall which…