Susy Gomes

Susy Gomes

Gosto de ver filmes.

Favorite films

  • Blade Runner
  • Taxi Driver
  • Princess Mononoke
  • Chungking Express

Recent activity

  • Delicious

  • O Ninja das Caldas

  • Miller's Girl

  • Companion

Recent reviews

  • O Ninja das Caldas

    O Ninja das Caldas

    John Landscape.

  • The Graduate

    The Graduate


    "The Graduate" (1967) is a classic film directed by Mike Nichols, adapted from a novel written some years before.

    The film follows Benjamin (Dustin Hoffman), a recently college graduate that returns home and fights the most frightening and confusing thing for people to think about and question: the Future. Besides that, we watch him being seduced by an older woman, Mrs. Robinson (Anne Bancroft), and entering into a love spiral.

    The thing is the "relationship" isn't, at least for me,…

Popular reviews

  • Eva



    I didn't get a serious point about it, but I did feel something...

    The first part and the second (which I liked the most) looked like a dream and I could feel loneliness. Being two feelings that I can familiarize with, it touched me in some way.
    The last part, in the beginning made me confused. I wasn't really liking what I was watching, the cat was showing me innocence and it looked so small and fragile and she was…

  • Bad Taste

    Bad Taste


    Third Week of Mystery March Challenge Rebound

    Bad Taste was Peter's Jackson first film about a small town invaded by aliens.

    It's nasty, funny and although really low budget it's really entertaining to watch. The plot is simple yet hilarious and I also admire alot Peter for his genuine imagination and his work doing most of the makeup and special effects. This film really shows how he felt about his work and how much passion and effort he put up…