Sven Gerrets

Sven Gerrets

Former movie critic for VPRO/, allround movie/series nerd

Favorite films

  • Fargo
  • Into the Wild
  • Back to the Future
  • Harvey

Recent activity

  • X-Men: Days of Future Past


  • Veronica Mars


  • Anchorman 2: The Legend Continues


  • Gravity


Recent reviews

  • X-Men: Days of Future Past

    X-Men: Days of Future Past


    'If I could save time in a bottle'

    Singer does it again. Using a nifty bit of time traveling he combines the past and future X-Men and delivers a very solid blocckbuster. Leaning heavily on characters and their development Singer chooses his moments for action carefully. And when the action starts it is spot on. When Jim Croce starts to sing you'll see one of the finest and funniest action scenes in a long time.

  • Veronica Mars

    Veronica Mars


    Not nearly as good as season 1, but on par with the later seasons. A warm reunion with a lot of friends.

Popular reviews

  • The Hungover Games

    The Hungover Games


    So *cough* is there a way you can add a movie to your 'seen-list' without other people finding out? Just asking

  • Jailbait



    'in the vein of Orange is the new black'

    yeah right! As much as my looks are in the vein of Brad Pitts