“StEAlinG iS nOt Ok eVEn if YOuR STaRvinG!!!”
But it is though
Pretty cool movie! The animation of all the different art styles is really cool! I do think that they might have tried to put too much into one movie; there was a lot of cuts and one offs, I felt like I missed a lot, too fast for my taste, but otherwise I liked it!
One of the things I find very inspiring about parkour is how people create their own moves, sequences, and flows based on surrounding spaces that weren’t necessarily created for parkour.
It’s different from a climbing gym with premade routes asking to be attempted. In parkour, and I think more broadly in life, there isn’t a premade route (unless you believe in fate). Yet, we are able to make our routes ourselves, and create something beautiful.
Anyways, this film helped a little with the existential crisis if you can’t tell. Also a really cool women centered film in a men centered sport like parkour.