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  • The Gorge


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Recent reviews

  • The Gorge

    The Gorge


    The film is based on a suspenseful plot filled with tension and poignant dramatic moments, making for a captivating experience from beginning to end.

    the story of the movie attracted me which was beautifully written and executed. It was a perfect blend of science fiction, romance, and action. The acting was good, but there were some things that could have been better, such as the look of the monsters or the reason for choosing Draca to carry out the mission. Even the ending could have been better.

    But, I like the film and recommend watching it.

  • The Notebook

    The Notebook


    بالنسبة لي هذا العمل ليس مجرد قصة عن الحب ، هو عمل أوضح النظره المرهفة عن قيمة الحب، في مواجهة العديد من العوائق التي تحُول بين حب شخصان أرغمهما الزمن والفرق بين المراتب الاجتماعيه ونظرة المجتمع على أنه يسلك كل منهما دربًا آخر 
    صوّر هذا الفلم شقاء الإنسان حين يجد نفسه واقفًا بين مفترق الطرق بين هذا وذاك ، ولكن هناك فكره أوضحها هذا الفلم والتي طغى عليها المشاهد الشاعريه والعاطفيه فلم يتنبه لها الجميع ألا وهي 
    الرومانسيه المغلفه بالخيانه…

  • Pride & Prejudice

    Pride & Prejudice


    I’m in love with everything about this movie.

  • Me Before You

    Me Before You


    ‏ movie and a completely sad ending for both parties, in the eyes of some viewers
    ‏I wasn't satisfied with the ending
    ‏Is this love? Did William really love Louisa? Or did Louisa love William?
    ‏He knew that his death would make her sad, but he still chose himself instead of choosing to live a new life with her. If he really loved her, he would have at least tried for her
    ‏A great movie, but the ending made me a little sad because in short, it was(الطرف المحب ضحى من أجل محبوبه ولكن لم يحدث العكس)
