

I don't understand shit about movies

Favorite films

  • Portrait of a Lady on Fire
  • Mad Max: Fury Road
  • Ikiru
  • Grave of the Fireflies

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Recent reviews

  • Portrait of a Lady on Fire

    Portrait of a Lady on Fire


    Ateş hepimizden hikâyeler yapıyor.

  • The World According to Garp

    The World According to Garp


    Don't know where to start, I feel like the movie isn't finished even though it's a long ass movie. There been parts that I like where it's going, liked some small things like a plane hitting house, people being more royalist than the king, and I really think this movie is ahead of it's time even though some not that okay comments like Garps comment on guy babysitter "That's a baby sitter?" but yeah I can retrospectively. I haven't read…

Popular reviews

  • Zodiac



    I was little bit off putting until Robert get's the leading in the investigation but even sleepy me at 7 am got excited with him after that point. What was that, the basement scene! I was in doubt the half way the movie but glad i've watched.

    I really adore Melanie tho I don't know why no one talking about her, she literally involved in the story even after that date and taking kids to safe place because Robert got…

  • The Tale of The Princess Kaguya

    The Tale of The Princess Kaguya


    Beautiful animation with beautiful story. I liked the simplicity of what's been told, especially if you have consumed enough work created by japan like anime you wouldn't see anything new in this movie which I don't think it's necessary either as long as told beautifully like in this time.

    Every time I watch a Studio Ghibli movie I feel like I got recover temporarily some part of what makes me human. We tend to take meaningless bullshit in our life so seriously that it eats us out, it helps to have a chance to reset our minds time to time thanks to these movies.
