

i cry over every movie ever

Favorite films

  • The Worst Person in the World
  • Beautiful Boy
  • Almost Famous
  • Aftersun

Recent activity

  • Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind


  • My Neighbor Totoro


  • Babygirl


  • How to Build a Better Boy


Recent reviews

  • Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind

    Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind


    i want to be loved so much that the idea of living without me would lead you to erasing all memories of me instead of living with the fact that i'm gone and have forgotten you

  • My Neighbor Totoro

    My Neighbor Totoro


    i can't get over the theory i read somewhere that mei actually died hello???

Popular reviews

  • Kaj + Ester Forever

    Kaj + Ester Forever


    goofy highschool drama with stunning visuals where a boy gets heartbroken and therefore has orgies with his three new girlfriends?!
    milijon in en plothole, nerazvito, nedokoncano, na trenutke je biu film sam tk bojan scenes kjer sam sedi in zgleda lepo kar je itak appeasing za njegou fandom s tem da so od tega dobli borderline sex scenes ampak po drugi strani njegou lik sploh ne govori neki fejst?? na koncu dneva skor nicesar ne vemo o njemu razen to…

  • Shrek 2

    Shrek 2


    no like shrek is cinema greatness it has everything you could ever imagine and it's every genre ever
