Maybe consuming fictions is all I can do till the end of Time!
I switch the display of my most favourite films time to time.
It was admirable where the film trying to go, but Didn’t quite worked out. All style, very minimal substance...
To say it honestly, I enjoyed the film. It was hauntingly beautiful, ambient heavy, and melancholic, the things I liked in a film. The technical segment of the crew did a praiseworthy Job.
Despite that, it would be pretty controversial to recommend it to someone, as on one side it's a grounded, gritty and unsettling tale of male suffering, trauma and anguish. I loved this part. It was intense, it was gripping and impactful. But on the other side, it…
There Will Be Blood made me a Daniel Day Lewis Fan.His nip ticking,cold and thirsty performance was something to remember for Decades and even in Cinema history.
Not just D.Day lewis..Poul Dano gave his all too.
Poul Thomas Anderson has done it.He bring a moral melodrama into screen.
21st centuries pinnacle of character study and subliminal direction made There Will Be Blood a Writer-director masterwork.
Greed,Madness,Religion and dark gritty personality everything was there, audience just need to think and look how intriguingly screenplay was flowing.
There Will Be Blood is a sheer pinnacle of fiction where Daniel Day Lewis Drinks you milkshake.