

I’m not a film bro pls don’t come at me if I haven’t seen something
I’ll be trembling in my boots…right chat

Favorite films

  • Raiders of the Lost Ark
  • The Empire Strikes Back
  • Planet of the Apes
  • Pulp Fiction

Recent activity

  • Father of the Year

  • 2001: A Space Odyssey


  • Days of Heaven


  • Brazil


Recent reviews

  • Father of the Year

    Father of the Year

    My dad made the whole fam watch this and nothing happened. Also wasn’t that funny. If it wasn’t for David spade this could be really really terrible. Great for background viewing not for movie night with the fam😭😭😭

  • 2001: A Space Odyssey

    2001: A Space Odyssey


    Although nothing really happened for 2hrs 30mins besides a lot of mouth breathing, the lack of dialogue really made up in the visual effects and cinematography department (probs what Stan was trynna do idk)😍😍😍I’m a bit of a slut for extreme wide shots and this film made me feel like a dirty dog🤓✌🏾Surprised I enjoyed this one fr🤪Idk how they made this in 1968 but def watching every YouTube vid about this movie🕺🏾💅def the best looking film I’ve seen so far into my filmbro/uni course journey🤓☝🏾

Popular reviews

  • Pulp Fiction

    Pulp Fiction


    This shit was so fire. Need more freaky action movies with lots of feet💳💳💳🤪”omg Taj you’ve never watched pulp fiction”…stfu respectfully

  • Captain America: Brave New World

    Captain America: Brave New World


    Had potential but kinda bored me.  I eat up everything Harrison Ford is in so gets a few extra brownie points🤪🤪🤪
