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  • WALL·E
  • Human Traffic
  • The Doors
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  • Diary of a Wimpy Kid: Rodrick Rules


  • Diary of a Wimpy Kid


  • Spaceman


  • Memento


Recent reviews

  • Diary of a Wimpy Kid: Rodrick Rules

    Diary of a Wimpy Kid: Rodrick Rules


    First off, i hate that little bitch boy manny, give my boy greg a break. Secondly my sister said that i look like Rodrick so shes chill now.

    Following on from the first film I once again really enjoyed the message that this film communicates, displaying the importance of siblings and family. I did not however like the fact that Greg’s growth from the first film was almost completely absent from this film as he once again tended to put…

  • Diary of a Wimpy Kid

    Diary of a Wimpy Kid


    First thing’s first let me get something straight, this is a journal not a diary entry.

    Now that that’s out of the way, I love this movie so much. It reminds me so much of that awkward adolescent stage where everything is so simple yet so important. The story is a great depiction of what its like to grow up through secondary school, but what really shines through is the messages it provides a young audience; Although hidden in the…

  • Spaceman



    I think Adam Sandler really refined this movie, typically known as a comedic actor, famous for his roles like grown ups, happy gilmore and other easy family films, he performs the role of an isolated man coping with the guilt of his actions as a journeys through isolation, the film itself has good qualities and I imagine that rewatching the film will be much more redeeming, however i felt myself getting too involved in the mystery of what will happen…

  • Memento



    Christopher Nolan loves a challenge, in this movie his challenge seemed to be to make a movie in the complete wrong order and to leave his audience as completely clueless as the protagonist. The non-linear story telling posits an interesting viewing experience that separates itself from other most investigative movies with the psychological element. Whilst the cinematography was simple, it was quite effective in portraying Nolan’s non linear interpretation. The reason I cannot rate this higher is due to the…
