

Favorite films

  • Ernest & Celestine
  • Bottoms
  • I Saw the TV Glow
  • Everything Everywhere All at Once

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  • Ernest & Celestine


  • Bottoms


  • Look Back


  • Everything Everywhere All at Once


Recent reviews

  • Ernest & Celestine

    Ernest & Celestine


    this movie is beautiful in a way words cannot describe. i am not ashamed to say i cried multiple times watching this for the first time. I am in awe at the art style and the storytelling.

  • Bottoms



    This movie was fucking insane. like in the best way possible though. i would not be surprised if the people who made this movie were eating edibles for breakfast, lunch and dinner while writing it.

    i think the top 2 jokes of this movie were
    1. Josie putting together the "PINEAPPLE JUICE" label as if she couldn't tell it says pineapple juice without the pi at the beginning
    2. what the fuck she ate literal shit???

Popular reviews

  • Look Back

    Look Back


    I heard people say they don't like this movie because it doesn't portray grief well, but i think this is the best portrayal of grief ive ever seen. sometimes, to deal with grief, you don't need a big revelation or event to happen. sometimes, dealing with grief is a silent process. thinking about what could've been, thinking about what you could have done differently to save the person you love. but you can't. all you can do is remember the…