Tracking films watched since 14/04/20.
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David Grann’s book of the same name is a fantastic read, so I was really intrigued to see how it had been adapted for the big screen.
Impressive cast and superb acting. Just some little things that didn’t translate from the source material, but overall a good portrayal of events.
First film in a long time.
Life is busy, man.
Sharp weapons.
Silent movement.
Thermal imaging.
Sod it; give it lasers as well.
Predator is brilliant fun. Arnie is as Arnie does and you can’t help but love it. I love the concept of the ‘villain’. I wonder if it formed part of the inspiration for the Indominus Rex from Jurassic World.
Film365: 334/365
ProjectFilm: #418
I’m not going to be “that guy”, so don’t worry. But, fuck, go see it.
ProjectFilm: #672