Favorite films
Don’t forget to select your favorite films!
Don’t forget to select your favorite films!
Really enjoyed this movie. Directed by the Russo Brothers. This movie had the budget and the stars to deliver a mixture of Nostalgia from the 90s, a amazing soundtrack, and a story about humans and robots. This is peak 90s era movie trope.
Did I say how epic the soundtrack was!!!?
Today's Animation Sunday is the Film Flow, directed by Gintz Zibalodis. This made its debut in 2024, and as of writing, it has won multiple awards.
The story is about a black cat who is displaced from its home when a flood happens. Through its journey, it interacts with multiple animals as they travel together on a boat.
Visually this movie is amazing. The depth of realism from the environment to the movement of the animals is one of the…
Today's Animation Sunday film is "The Spine of Night," directed by Philip Gelatt and Morgan Galen King. This film pays homage to classic Rotoscope Animation and is set in a dark fantasy world of witches, kings, Dark Ages, and Steam Punk. It's the kind of film that tends to gather a cult-like following.
The story begins with the swamp Witch Queen Tzod, voiced by Lucy Lawless, recounting a series of events involving the corrupting power of the blue blossom, which…
Today’s animation Sunday recommendation is the 1986 British animated drama film, "When the Wind Blows," directed by Jimmy Murakami. The film is based on the graphic novel of the same name by Raymond Briggs and follows the story of an elderly couple, Jim and Hilda Bloggs, who live in rural England and attempt to survive in their own home after a nuclear attack on the UK.
The film effectively portrays the devastating effects of nuclear war on ordinary people and…