

i literally got a job and lost this hobby, twitter was right

Favorite films

  • Perfect Days
  • The Wind Rises
  • La La Land
  • Network

Recent activity

  • Flow


  • Porco Rosso


  • Parasite


  • Oppenheimer


Recent reviews

  • Flow



    watched this stoned and im pretty sure I fell asleep at some point but i felt firmly giving 3-3.5 stars but the last 20 min were intense and involved some cool bird imagery. did that mf sacrifice himself?

  • Porco Rosso

    Porco Rosso


    watched with sophia! she said it was probably her new favorite ghibli. what good taste. 

    i was stoned when watching this and have seen it several times so my mind focused a lot less on the plot and more on the ambience of the movie. so so goated I want to be there so badly.

    Really enjoyed how Miyazaki framed the setting (the Adriatic in the late 20s-30s?) as the ending of an era/culture that we haven't seen but we're expected…

Popular reviews

  • Parasite



    fantastic. loved the shots where everything seems to be built on top of each other, good at conveying cramp-ness. 

    I really liked the stairs/floors in the Park house and how they used it as a metaphor for class, very cool. The upper class being the house itself, the middle class (if there is one in this movie) being the basement, and the lower class being in the secret bunker (crucially its existence is not known by the upper class characters). The…

  • Oppenheimer



    masterpiece, watched in IMAX. so goated

    whoever wrote the tweet that randomly was on my feed 1.5 years ago interpreting the b&w scenes as Oppenheimer the Object, the Figure, while the color scenes dealt with Oppenheimer the Person, you are a genius and thank you for tweeting that. 

    Really enjoyed how Oppenheimer is almost….naive (?) about humanity and about America. Like him believing that humanity would unite against the use of atomic/nuclear weapons after seeing the destruction it wrought on…