

Favorite films

  • My First Summer
  • Our Beloved Summer
  • Howl's Moving Castle
  • Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone

Recent activity

  • Doctor Slump


  • Gran Turismo


  • Summer Strike


  • You Can Live Forever


Recent reviews

  • Doctor Slump

    Doctor Slump


    their relationship thoooo~ they communicate so well and make their relationship works so healthily. feel like this shows how you CAN definitely be loved even at your lowest points in life. how my heart feels full and hopeful again because of what they have

  • Gran Turismo

    Gran Turismo


    i might have to scream “Commit!” to myself at any critical life events from now!!

Popular reviews

  • Soulmate



    i love how there are almost always meanings behind every little/big things they did or give to each other. with all my heart. 💌
    kudos to my girl dami and sonee!

  • My First Summer

    My First Summer


    i love every bits and crumbs of this movie.
    idk whether it’s the warm tone of it that makes my heart a summer season or the soft intimate moments shared between grace & claudia itself. or maybe it’s just both!

    honestly there’s a lot processing in my head and heart rn about every emotions and words im unfathomably brought to while following scenes past wednesday midnight— the midnight rain also. in brief i think if my 16 y/o self had watched this film, she would really wish she has the love they have too.

    “so no one knows you exist?”
    “you do.”
