

Favorite films

  • Suspiria
  • Fantasia
  • Spirited Away
  • Bram Stoker's Dracula

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  • Catwoman


  • Nosferatu


  • Scream 2


  • The Substance


Recent reviews

  • Catwoman



    changed the lives of so many gays and girls in our household… went triple platinum

  • Nosferatu



    so much i like about this movie so ill just list a few critiques i have… if this was to be an erotic horror movie, the sexiness could have been amped up. i fear they did not go all the way. we should have seen nicholas hoults ass is what im saying. nosferatu should have been bald.

Popular reviews

  • Burning Days

    Burning Days


    Turkiye politikasini sadece bir kenara koyup, straight erkeklerin korkunc kulturlerini, bir kuir erkek olarak buyurken yasadiginiz microagressionlari, o erkeklerin dusmancilliginin nasil etrafinizda kapandigini, o bogulma hissini okadar iyi gostermis ki, turkiyenin halini anlatan cogu metafor ulkesel capta cok etkili oldugu gibi kisisel bi seviyede de okadar etkileyici hatta belki de daha fazla. en sonda yasanan olaylar cok gercekci ve kisisel hissettirdigi icin, hicbi yabanci korku filminde hissetmedigim korkulari ve gerilmeleri yasadim. filmden ciktigimda tir tir titriyordum kendime gelemedim.

  • Fantasia



    Contains all of the universe within itself. One of the big masterpieces of the century.
