
tbry666 Patron

Lover of Asian cinema, exploitation and silent films.

Favorite films

  • Pulse
  • Sunrise: A Song of Two Humans
  • Seven Samurai
  • Scott Pilgrim vs. the World

Recent activity

  • Attack of the Blind Dead


  • Jack the Ripper


  • Conclave


  • Zeder


Recent reviews

  • Jack the Ripper

    Jack the Ripper


    Terror creeps through the streets of London. Or at least through an alleyway in Switzerland that has to stand in for it a couple of times. Busy filmmaker Jess Franco doesn't keep us in suspense for long about who the mysterious slasher might be, as the credits proudly announce: Klaus Kinski is Jack the Ripper. So we've already got that out of the way.

    Franco gives us atmospheric, fog-soaked images and, compared to some of his other cheaper works, a…

  • Attack of the Blind Dead

    Attack of the Blind Dead


    I always loved the atmosphere of these films. Those crusty templar costumes and the slow motion horses are brilliant.

    You have to admire Amando de Ossorio and his complete disregard for continuty.
    Day? Night? Who cares.
    Do shot locations fit together? Who cares.
    I love that attitude in this series.

Popular reviews

  • Sodomites



    It truly takes a 'genius' like Gaspar Noé to turn 7 minutes of butt banging into an unwatchable, unbearably boring mess of nothing.

  • Men Behind the Sun 3: A Narrow Escape

    Men Behind the Sun 3: A Narrow Escape


    What the hell, Godfrey? Where are the ninjas?