Favorite films
Don’t forget to select your favorite films!
Don’t forget to select your favorite films!
BAGUS BANGEETTTTTTTTTTT story writingnya dan semua semuanya rapi banget, ga ada plot hole sama sekali. Ngebuild character and the situation di plotnya semuanya rapi dan tertata semua dijelasin dengan baik. Ceritanya juga sangat relatable dengan ending yang ga lebay. Sederhana but stunning. Emang ada sedikit dramatisasi, tapi wajar namanya juga film ya. AND DONT FORGET CHICCO KURNIAWAN, HIS SMILE IS SO *chef's kiss*
Bagusssssss, plot twistnya kereeennnn dan di akhir membuat aku teriak DESERVEDDD PENJAHATNYA JAHAT BANGEEETT JAHAT JAHAT BANGEETTT overall filmnya bagus banget, efeknya yaaa efek film action india sperti biasa. Emang bollywood movies itu sbnernya banyak yg bagus ges tapi underrated. Produksi film india juga sbnernya udah sekelas amerika jadi kaLIAN SEMUA HARUS COBA NONTON INI 🫵🫵🫵🫵
Just finished this series!!! It's so stressful watching this 😩😩😩 but the acting, the cinematography, the camera works, all of that is sooooooooo beautiful and deserves all the 5 stars! I love how the actress who plays martha has a special accent when she talks, i dont know if its just me or not, but it got me addicted on how she sounds. AND ALSO, I LOOOVEEE RICHARD GADD'S VOICEEE. It's so charming and handsome. I felt sad knowing what happened in his life. I hope he can get the help he needs and can continue with his life and find his happiness :)