

Favorite films

  • Still Walking
  • Scenes from a Marriage
  • Il Posto
  • Toni Erdmann

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  • Dìdi (弟弟)

    Dìdi (弟弟)


    God bless Windows XP and all who sailed with it.

  • Stuck in Love

    Stuck in Love


Popular reviews

  • Mother



    Were this film directed by anyone other than Bong Joon-ho, I would probably give it five full stars. The dude has set the bar so high, though, that I found myself playing the part of the tough grader while watching this and holding Mother up to some of the more perfect works in his filmography. In this case, I couldn't help comparing the movie to Bong's earlier film, Memories of Murder, since both share quite a few commonalities. Grosso modo,…

  • Lynch/Oz



    I love this kind of documentary. The kind where aficionados elaborate complex theories on a niche topic based mostly on their own personal interpretation of things and hardly on any verifiable evidence. It's just so much fun to watch, especially (as in this case) when the talking heads are all hyper-articulate when speaking about their field. You can't help but become so charmed by the passion they are communicating for the subject that even when the documentary verges on its…
