I hadn't watched this since 2009 and holy shit what an absolute masterpiece. Clooney at his best, Gilroy clearly wrote through God's eye, and every single bit player is just pitch perfect.
Don't piss off a motivated stripper
I hadn't watched this since 2009 and holy shit what an absolute masterpiece. Clooney at his best, Gilroy clearly wrote through God's eye, and every single bit player is just pitch perfect.
Don't piss off a motivated stripper
When in New Zealand...
First time I've watched the theatrical version in probably two decades.
Fellowship will always be my favorite.
Thoughts I had during this movie:
Zendeya is possibly the hottest person ever.
I should play tennis.
This score is overrated.
I am definitely bi.
I should be in a love triangle.
Luca needs to direct 100 more films
This score absolutely fucks
I should definitely *not* play tennis.
I should *not* be a part of a love triangle.
I am not wired for sports at all.