Morten Garberg

Morten Garberg Pro

Favorite films

  • The Empire Strikes Back
  • Midsommar
  • Room
  • The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring

Recent activity

  • South Park: Bigger, Longer & Uncut


  • The Lion King


  • Mission: Impossible – Dead Reckoning


  • Alt for Norge


Recent reviews

  • The Lion King

    The Lion King


    Watched at work. 

    Enjoyed it!

  • Alt for Norge

    Alt for Norge


    Mange fine bilder her, men jeg savner kanskje litt mer om selve fotballhistorier. 

    Kunne gjerne hørt mer om: 
    - de taktiske vurderingene mot Irland 
    - dommeren i Tsjekkia-kampen 
    - undervurderingen av Marokko 
    - hva som skjedde på benken når Flo kom inn 
    - selve 8. dels finalen mot Italia 

    Men, det er vel derfor vi har When We Were Kings

Popular reviews

  • The Tunnel

    The Tunnel


    Every advice given in this movie "stay in the car"

    Number of people who stays in the car: 0

  • Solo: A Star Wars Story

    Solo: A Star Wars Story


    I Went in with low expectations but was even so, disappointed. The actors playing lando and Han do a fine job but doesn’t save the movie with a boring plot, who suddenly takes turns who is totally out of nowhere, especially in the third act. 

    Ranked for no 9th on my Star Wars list. That is behind attack of the clones, who after all has some interesting scenes and adds nuances to anakins character, and this adds nothing to Hans.. 

    If someone says this is better than last Jedi, I’m gonna get grumpy!