Teddy Shelby23

Teddy Shelby23

Favorite films

  • Spider-Man
  • The Count of Monte Cristo
  • The Prestige
  • The Departed

Recent activity

  • Arrival


  • CΔƒsΔƒtoria


  • A Knight's Tale


  • How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days


Recent reviews

  • A Knight's Tale

    A Knight's Tale


    If I could ask God one thing, it would be to stop the moon. Stop the moon and make this night and your beauty last forever.

    - William Thatcher

    Perhaps angels have no names, only beautiful faces.

    - William Thatcher

    You have been weighed. You have been measured. And you have absolutely... Been found wanting. Welcome to the New World.

    - Wat. - Roland. - Kate. - Chaucer. - William.

    Only two words: HEATH LEDGER!

  • Spider-Man: No Way Home

    Spider-Man: No Way Home


    (Re)watched after not so long time for my "Spider-week", the first time after the great time I had at the cinema on the premiere.
    Tom Holland = THE HOME
    SPIDER-MAN, the most childish, naiv and helped&held in arms Peter Parker by Tony Stark.
    I don't like this version of Peter/Spidey that much, it seems to me that he gets everything for granted.
    After Tom Holland's Spidey&Peter childish version from Homecoming&Far From Home, in No Way Home I had the pleasure…

Popular reviews

  • Life Is Beautiful

    Life Is Beautiful


    Buongiorno, Principessa!

    If you speak my name, I vanish. What am I? Silence.

    - Guido

    This is a simple story; but, not an easy one to tell. Like a fable, there is sorrow and, like a fable, it is full of wonder and happines.

    - Narrator

    "La vita Γ¨ bella", an Italian masterpiece like "Cinema Paradiso" (I'll see more Italian movies from now on), is a tragicomedy, a fable whose main teaching is that the laughter remains the only "asset"…

  • Scent of a Woman

    Scent of a Woman



    Don't you sharpshoot me!

    Women! What can you say? Who made 'em? The hair... They say the hair is everything, you know. Have you ever buried your nose in a mountain of curls... just wanted to go to sleep forever? Or lips... and when they touched, yours were like... that first swallow of wine... after you just crossed the desert.

    Outta order? I'll show you outta order! You don't know what outta order is, Mr. Trask! I'd show you…
