Deleting tags…
- horror 80
- fun 53
- beautifully shot 34
- slasher killer 27
- how does someone come up with this 23
- land of the mehhh 22
- drama llama 20
- dropped the ball 20
- batshit cray cray 14
- finding love 14
- so much detail 13
- absurd 12
- dance the night away 12
- creature feature 10
- lost brain cells watching this 10
- social commentary 10
- utterly terrible 10
- eat the rich 9
- families can hurt us but sometimes they can help us 8
- tries to piggyback off far better films 8
- coming of age 7
- jinkies it's a ghost 7
- missed opportunity 7
- classic 6
- awful haircut 5
- does it count as killing if they think they have the moral high ground? 5
- love letter to film 5
- maybe the crazy was the friends we made along the way 5
- why are they all assholes 5
- #trauma 4
- body horror 4
- generational trauma 4
- pop stardom is tough 4
- puzzling 4
- food looks yummy 3
- legacy sequel 3
- religion is scary 3
- emotional damage 2
- isolation 2
- it's for the plot 2
- lack of trust 2
- maybe technology was the problem 2
- someone cutting onions 2
- taking it's sweet time 2
- adam devine plays adam devine
- and the person i wanna couple up with is
- bagels & goggly eyes
- biology be cray cray
- climbing
- farmiga love
- fuuuture
- haunting score
- heavy but toned down
- love hurts
- piranha
- production nightmare
- smart characters against awful odds
- stonehenge
- unintentionally gay?
- war never changes