Glasgow film grad. Former resident of Japan.
Tried to watch all the films.
Love you all.
Not entirely sure how this came into being but grateful for it Some of the imagery he creates. Some of the glorious slapsticko
Having a brain tumor did not make this easy to follow I have to admit which is strange to say I film about a film which is essentially about trying to kill hundreds of beavers Seem. simple on thsuurface.
Hidden complexity?
Frat bro Tobey Maguire annoys everyone so much that they eventually do what he wants them to do.
About as in-depth as that sounds...
I can't lie, I still blame those shitty early trainers for tearing my ankle ligaments.
Some great footage and ridiculous early 2000's nostalgia for me, but this could've taken a much harder look at the founders of the company and what they really stood for.