this girl could drink me under the table!
- guy who is tipsy off 2 beers if they’re IPAs and 4 otherwise
this girl could drink me under the table!
- guy who is tipsy off 2 beers if they’re IPAs and 4 otherwise
"People said to me when [John] said those things on his record about me, you must hate him, but I didn't. I don't. We were once having a right slagging session and I remember how he took off his granny glasses. I can still see him. He put them down and said, 'It's only me, Paul.' Then he put them back on again and we continued slagging.
That phrase keeps coming back to me all the time. 'It's only me.’”
- 2021, New Yorker interview
Opened with the actors calling the audience heroes for coming to the movie, which was a bad sign. Harmless paycheck for all involved with a vague storyline intended to be easily translatable overseas to earn more money than it cost to make, which will continue until another type of movie becomes more profitable. Guess that’s fine.
Vastly unfunny: making a silly statement without an underlying comedic premise to the scene is just cracking wise, which is my job as the…
Insipid, lackluster, lifeless, immature, and profoundly uninteresting.
Has one really good joke in the middle which was a nice break from the movie. Sort of an intermission for Tejas