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Recent reviews

  • Rocketman



    This was actually a pretty good film, I enjoyed it so much more than I thought I was going to which was a really great thing.

    I thought the acting was done super well and () did an amazing job with his singing, and acting and really got the emotions across without having to try to hard. It really makes me look at Elton johns life from a different perspective then I would have before viewing this.
    The display of…

  • mid90s



    This was so good, everything from the story in general, the acting, directing, sound track, and the cinematography. Wow

    Mid 90s is about a 13 year old boy who lives in a bad home environment and meets older friends at a skate shop.

    The actors in this are so good, not the absolute best but still really really good. They all know how to get into character well. The boys ( Olan Prenatt, Na’kel Smith, Gio Galicia and Ryder McLaughlin)…

Popular reviews

  • Hereditary



    This is insanely wickedly fucking amazing for so many reasons, I’m so incredibly glad I finally sat down and watched this.

    Okay so to start off I love the actors incthis I think they all did such a fantastic job. I already love Alex wolf, and he did so incredible in this film. They really brought it to life.

    The cinematography in this one is actually really really well done in my opinion, I thought they filmed this really…

  • Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind

    Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind


    Okay so personally I didn’t fully understand it but I still understood it really well if that makes any sense, I just feel like it was a bit confusing for my first time watching it so I’ll probably have to se wit again before I make any final opinions on the film.

    I really liked it, it was definitely extremely indie and I really enjoyed the visuals in it. I thought the actors did a really good job in the film and I really enjoyed it.

    I can’t really be too specific till I watch it again though
