Unprepared to be strapped into 'feeling' this ... and now all that ricochets is the ambiguity.
In terms of allocating stars... I'm somewhere else pretending it isn't happening.
I have no idea how to review this. Squarely in the body horror genre, like the bastard child of Tetsuo: The Iron Man and Cronenberg's Crash by way of Antibirth.
Bodies lurch at every twist of the rabbit hole: lustful and hypersexual, writhing, pierced and contorted, murdered and resuscitated, aged, broken, pregnant...
Visually impressive with clumsy plot arcs (many unresolved) and all the subtly of a ham sandwich... albeit one without a definable point or statement.
The only mechanophilic horror birth film I've seen ...and perhaps want to see.
A film that terrified me as a kid – to the point that I never got past the opening scenes. Turns out it is a brilliant modern fairytale set somewhere out of time with a striking visual aesthetic.