BEAUTIFUL movie. The first movies feel like a painting.
Unfortunately, the story itself is not that developed. I felt like I got a snippet of Maria's life, not the full story or depth in any of its aspects.
This review may contain spoilers. I can handle the truth.
Eu gostei MUITO do filme. Toda a premissa é muito instigante e cheia de "jogos dentro de jogos". Trilha sonora e atuações impecáveis também.
MAS, por algum motivo, o final me pegou... Não sei exatamente o porquê, já que de um lado nós tínhamos um reacionário (Tedesco) e do outro um — estritamente no âmbito da Igreja Católica — um progressista (Bellini) e, no final quem "ganha" é o Benítez que é um hermafrodita. O nome escolhido por ele, Inocêncio,…
This review may contain spoilers. I can handle the truth.
Am I the only one that didn't enjoy this series THAT much?
I didn't feel much for the characters, only for Levi. But in a world where even Marvel of all studios can do something creative and interesting with the "robot discovering life" trope, the least a show should do is to pull it off. Unfortunately for my favorite character the only development he gets is "see, he's watching the ants" to "see, now he has a garden!".
There was…
Peak sci-fi through and through!
I'm always at awe with how much detail and care they put in every single frame of this movie. From the costumes, the use of colors, the contrast of light and shadow, to the soundtrack. Everything is so well put together, it's perfect, there's no way around it.