One of Lubitsch finest - incredibly funny and with some unforgettable lines throughout.
A director in full command of his script and stage design.
One of Lubitsch finest - incredibly funny and with some unforgettable lines throughout.
A director in full command of his script and stage design.
Woody Allen's most charming romance - unashamedly autobiographical, this is a movie for all somewhat self-obsessed, intellectual nerds out there.
Uproariously funny, and yet undeniably sad; seasoned wiht some uniquely Allenesque lines.
Finally, Keaton is absolutely terrific.
Bridget Jones has come of age.
The British cultural icon returns in style, but amidst an unexpectedly poignant movie.
Within the obligatory formula/tropes of a romcom, the makers succeed in addressing grief & loss with surprising honesty.
And let's be real, it has Hugh Grant in it, delivering the most inappropriate lines with irresistible charm - so what is there not to love?
A beautiful French surrealist fairy tale with a strangely attractive beast... wonderfully poetic, this is surely one of Jean Cocteau's masterpieces.
Sadly did not challenge the pretty patriarchal vision of marriage suggested by Leprince de Beaumont's abridged and simplified version of Villeneuve's tale. Loved the casting of the openly gay Jean Marais as the Beast though - he was Cocteau's muse!