If you like the captivity subgenre, you'll likely enjoy this one. This is about what you'd expect plot wise, but it has some convincing performances.
However *spoiler*
. . . you have the guy locked up and you just leave him there alive?
If you like the captivity subgenre, you'll likely enjoy this one. This is about what you'd expect plot wise, but it has some convincing performances.
However *spoiler*
. . . you have the guy locked up and you just leave him there alive?
Some extremely memorable images and sequences and a few really tense scenes. Everything before they went to stay with Mirta (and one especially amazing scene after, with Jaime on a roadway) was totally captivating. I felt a bit let down by what followed, and the schoolhouse stuff felt underwhelming to me.
A few of these longer suspenseful sequences seemed to lose direction or had diminishing returns because of the interjection of rules that confused things.
Overall, I'd say I've warmed to this since my first viewing. Some of this is super brutal.