It's giving mid 2010s action when it comes to the gore & action especially with how the camera moves during fight scenes. But I'm a simple guy & all I care about is fun. Jack Quaid is great & the villain is overacting but it's really funny
A personal favorite among more recent movies. Kinda of funny coming from a person who is not much into the high fantasy genre, but I think because this movie doesn't take itself too seriously it's probably why I enjoy it a lot. It's kinda of a comfort film now.
I try to keep my reviews short but I wanna talk about the movie for a little bit long story short
Rating: A-
This is the movie the MCU needed & probably my favorite of the trilogy. Great action, Hallirious, & tons of fan service for the mega nerds (Like Me). I feel like a lot of references may be lost on some of the more casual fans, even I was like "what?" At some points. The movie doesn't do much in…
Standard story with really really fast pacing & some pretty great songs. Had a smile on my face most of the movie. :^)