A sweet friday night movie when you want to turn your brain off amd just enjoy a little flick with humour and action.
We had a great time at the theater nothing to take seriously but a lot of you will like it
I laugh so damn hard through out of this movie.
The kills were silly AF but gory. And that was exactly what i expected.
The story is simple and effective.
I had a tremendous blast watching it !!
NEVER in my 37 years of life i've whitness something like this
Totally frightening
Sweaty hand. Goosebump.
You absolutely need to watch that movie in complete dark with the volume crancked up to very feel the experience and extra. Watch that flick before going to bed. Trust me, you'll binge watch Paw Patrol just to get rid of your mind of those last 10 minutes of this film.
THIS MF MOVIE is a god damn horror masterpiece. And to be reaallly honest. Nothing really happened in it.
A 120min of fan service.
I hate the ending
The kills were mehhh
I loved the actress who carried the film
I loved the action pack 45 last min
Long story short. Its a not bad movie but its a one and done for me.