Max Lowe

Max Lowe

no method to my viewing madness

Favorite films

  • The Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford
  • The New World
  • Garden State
  • Inside Llewyn Davis

Recent activity

  • Better Man


  • Flow


  • Blade


  • At Eternity's Gate


Recent reviews

  • Better Man

    Better Man


    Right bruv, let’s have it then. No more monkey business. Time to talk Better Man, that bio-pic of the big-time star, Robbie Williams. This flick is a proper raw autobiography, told through both Robbie’s own words and his performance... as a bleedin chimpanzee.

    Now, let’s not get confused, he ain't just any monkey, nah, mate. He’s a p. troglodytes, specifically the p.t. ellioti or a Nigerian-Cameroon chimp. Why he picked that specific type of chimp? Dunno mate, don’t ask me,…

  • Flow



    Super cute, resilient band of unlikely friends tackle a flood while also getting over ever-so-slight personal issues.

    I love it, and I love these animals. BIG fan of the bird!

Popular reviews

  • The Brutalist

    The Brutalist


    A monstrous narrative thinly veiled by a gorgeous and seemingly hopeful presentation. 

    The Brutalist carries an unfathomable amount of weight upon its shoulders. The industrial machine that is America is built upon the sins of the prideful and the labor of those who may sometimes have no option. 

    The levels in which Bradey Corbet takes this narrative is on par with There Will Be Blood, and it shows, especially through Guy Pearce’s casually racist and baleful performance. 

    The wretchedness of…

  • Blue Velvet

    Blue Velvet


    So happy I got to experience this masterpiece for the first time on the big screen. The love for David Lynch in that theater was huge and that opening speech from the cinema attendant was released right from the soul. 

    Now the film itself? Oh boy. Lynch took a simple narrative concept and made it as absurd and authentic as possible. He really knew how to make you have a good time in the worst possible way. 

    I’m a big…