
TheMummy1999Fan Pro

“Death is only the beginning.”
- Imhotep

Favorite films

  • The Mummy
  • The Mummy
  • The Mummy
  • The Mummy

Recent activity

  • Suspended Time


  • Le Amiche


  • Novocaine


  • Black Bag


Recent reviews

  • Suspended Time

    Suspended Time


    obviously very minor assayas but i don’t have the automatic repulsion so many seem to when it comes to these snapshots of a very specific moment in covid, i like the character work and the arguments.

  • Novocaine



    not really Leitch Style as advertised - not quite as garishly overlit as its ilk and swerving from the “holy fuckballs” of it all, which is i guess a relief but it does come at the expense of it being criminally sluggish, just a total chore to sit through, insipid and dumb in the worst ways. get nepo nicholson OUTTA here, go directly to jail do not pass go etc etc

Popular reviews

  • Baby Driver

    Baby Driver


    2021! A new year! The future! Anyways I’d like to use the moderate popularity of this review which has plagued me for nearly four years to make a public plea to Letterboxd to please add a private account option, it well do everyone (me) a whole lot of good by giving many people (me) a privacy option they’ve (me) long desired.

  • Origin



    i’ve seen things you people wouldn't believe…. a tasteless dramatization of the trayvon martin murder that treats a pack of skittles and a hoodie like shorthand iconography... like nick offerman in a maga hat… i watched a montage set to a clair de lune soundalike and shot like one of those levi’s commercials that thinks it’s malick cutting between the aforementioned murder, a brutal rape below the deck of a slave ship, and jews being herded into a concentration camp.…