Joshua Jenkins

Joshua Jenkins

I teach film to high schoolers.

Favorite films

  • Children of Men
  • Wings of Desire
  • The Fall
  • Dead Ringers

Recent activity

  • Norma Rae


  • La Strada


  • Conclave


  • Stalag 17


Recent reviews

  • Conclave



    A great first act gives way to a good second act, then it introduces an honest to God Deus ex Machina in the Sistene Chapel and completely falls apart.

    Damn do I love Ralph Fiennes, though.

  • Stalag 17

    Stalag 17


    The existence of the television program "Hogan's Heroes" was a complete mystery to me until I saw this film.

    This is a film featuring American GIs pratfalling in the courtyard of their Nazi POW camp as they crawl over each other to ogle and cat call female Russian prisoners. Later, one of the GIs uses the Wile E. Coyote gag of painting the center line in a road and following it wherever it leads until he collides with a Nazi.

    My friend told me this movie was to help heal the country after the war was over.

Popular reviews

  • The Fall

    The Fall


    The sort of movie where you make everyone really mad at you because once it's brought up in conversation you don't stop talking about it until people literally walk away from you. From there, you've got 1-2 days max before you sit down with it again and marvel at it. I definitely went as the Masked Bandit for Halloween in college. No one knew who I was.

  • The Rocketeer

    The Rocketeer


    The perfect superhero film and about the only thing that's been able to make me forget the worst two weeks of my life. Billy Campbell should've been huge. It was incredibly fitting that Joe Johnston went on to direct Captain America: The First Avenger, of which the first half shows glimmers of the greatness on display here.

    As an aside, I have long stood by this as the greatest film score of all time. For me, the centering of the…
