Theodros 🐬

Theodros 🐬

Favorite films

  • Maestro
  • Amadeus
  • Mirror
  • Synecdoche, New York

Recent activity

  • The Lobster


  • Dune: Part Two


  • Synecdoche, New York


  • Dune


Recent reviews

  • The Lobster

    The Lobster


    Can’t believe they really made a movie abt a lobster but got zero lobsters on it

  • Dune: Part Two

    Dune: Part Two


    “May thy knife chip and shatter”
    Now the holy war begins…

Popular reviews

  • Mirror



    How come this best looking movie I’ve ever seen 
    Why is it so beautiful was out even trying 
    The oner shot Jesus I levitated 
    The fourth wall break thefuk was that scared the shit out of me 
    Best story telling I’ve seen so far 
    Incredible work,amazing cinematography achieved,its just immaculate 

  • The Brutalist

    The Brutalist


    “It is the destination not the journey”,this must be the best looking architectural design for a movie ive seen,they really worked there ass off on the production designs,and the cinematography jesus,the music the original sound track,the fuking opening scene 
    It was perfect 
    We tolerate you-
