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"Transparent: Musicale Finale is refreshingly lovely television, especially for a series wrap-up to a show that had to move on after unceremoniously losing its lead character. Rather than trying to give a satisfying closure to plots, it seeks to give a satisfying closure to the themes presented throughout Transparent‘s four-year run: family, identity, and love. It also allows the finale to stand apart from the series, and accessible to new viewers as well. The musical numbers and comedy will leave you laughing, and more than a few tears may be shed before the credits roll."
Read Theo Estes' full review here: bit.ly/spooltranspfinale
"The movie explains her accomplishments by conveying Tubman’s ferocious devotion to the cause of freedom, and prophetic visions that came to her after she was struck so hard by a white man as a child her skull was cracked open. People seem to prefer when opportunities are gracefully presented to women rather than allowing them to be hardworking and ambitious enough to create their own, and this approach mostly allows the film to skip all the careful planning and tremendous…
"It’s difficult to say if One Cut of the Dead is a great movie, or if its surprises are simply that novel. For one thing, the constantly-shifting narrative perspective and low stakes mean we don’t really get to know these characters. (The closest thing to a character journey we get is Mao’s directorial aspirations, and we don’t even meet her till forty minutes in.) But the characters are just a vehicle for gags both short- and long-form, and the point…
"If Sound of Metal is a bit reminiscent of the earlier work of writer-director Darius Marder‘s frequent collaborator Derek Cianfrance, who made The Place Beyond the Pines and Blue Valentine before the far more underwhelming The Light Between Oceans, it’s in a far more tender, optimistic fashion than Cianfrance typically allows. It’s not only thanks to Marder’s direction, but Ahmed’s passionate intensity, that Sound of Metal succeeds in its own right. It’s a story where a kind of peace born of studied acceptance is the triumph, rather than the casual consolation of easy answers."
Read Andrea Thompson's full review here: bit.ly/spooltiffsoundmetal