“Gentlemen, you can’t fight in here! This is the war room!”
Big fan of the dynamic between Clu Gulager as Lee who is supposed to be the “cool guy” and Lee Marvin as Charlie Strom who actually IS the cool guy. Decent picture, feels like a Columbo episode without Columbo himself, like a prequel of some kind. Not as good as the Siodmak noir adaptation from the 40s, but a fine picture nonetheless. And on itself a fun ride starring some of the biggest stars from a bygone era under which the 40th president of the United States of America and one of the very best directors to ever grace the silver screen.
One of those films where the plot twist is SUCH a big part of the experience it becomes a focal point during any discourse about the plot itself. As a result, the said plot twist had already been revealed to me through a bunch of shitty Instagram posts and random Tweets, which to my great disappointment made the experience a little less captivating than it was meant to be. However, it’s an immensely popular and acclaimed movie and it wasn’t…
I identify with Andrew because I’m also an emotionless guy who dresses like a bum.