The Zad

The Zad Patron

Favorite films

  • Dead Leaves
  • Punishment Park
  • Inland Empire
  • A Brighter Summer Day

Recent activity

  • Bride of Frankenstein

  • Winter Light


  • Japanese Girls at the Harbor

  • Frankenstein

Pinned reviews

  • Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse

    Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse


    No offense but if you don't think this is the best spider man movie you're a fool and your opinion is worthless.

  • Blue Valentine

    Blue Valentine

    Watching this is like pissing in an open wound I swear. I watch movies to distract me from my crippling loneliness, not remind me of it!

    I love the cinematography here. The constant close ups make us feel as trapped as the characters, compared to the wider shots in the flashbacks. The aspect ratio is perfect. It feels simultaneously intimate and claustrophobic. The choice of mostly handheld makes the film feel very human.

    The acting is great. Gosling really embodies…

Recent reviews

  • Winter Light

    Winter Light


    "How long can a world go on under such a subtle god?
    How long can a world go on with no new word from God?
    See the plod of the flawed individual looking for a nod from God
    Trodding the sod of the visible with no new word from God"

  • Baby Invasion

    Baby Invasion

    More than anything this just made me want to cry, a lot.

    Many have been confounded by the career trajectory of Harmony Korine, myself included, but the recent output from him is at it's core not entirely dissimilar from his earlier works. If anything, this is the natural evolution of a film like 'Spring Breakers.' I'm dismissive of the notion that this film and the EDGLRD endeavor are simply the result of Korine fucking around, because that's a dismissive notion.…

Popular reviews

  • School of Rock

    School of Rock



    School of rock is a cheesy, entertaining film with likeable characters, a fun story, great directing and music. Lots of funny lines here, my personal favourite being;

    Your kids touched me, and I'm pretty sure I touched them as well.

    It has perhaps one of my favorite performances from Jack Black, and great child acting all round.

    Perhaps one of my only complaints is that the film was maybe a but too long. But apart from that, it's a great film that's very entertaining.

  • Alien



    You know how if you hear something is a masterpiece long enough you start to sort of question if it’s actually that good?

    Alien is better.