Thomas Chapman

Thomas Chapman

Favourites bar = Favourite directors working today (represented by my favourite film of theirs)

Favorite films

  • Slumdog Millionaire
  • The Virgin Suicides
  • La La Land
  • Moonrise Kingdom

Recent activity

  • France


  • The Descent


  • The Conversation


  • Tótem


Recent reviews

  • The Descent

    The Descent


    Left me so shook. Needed some levity after that. Which thankfully I got in the form of a WILD bus ride back. Consisting of 7 steaming drunk lads doing karaoke, cracking open cold ones, vaping and throwing cookies.
    As for the film, it's way better than it has any right to be and features incredibly effective horror filmmaking.

  • Paprika



    Praying that the new Mission Impossible film has a mask reveal LIKE THAT.

Popular reviews

  • The Cross and the Switchblade

    The Cross and the Switchblade


    Proving great direction, impressive performances and a very matter of fact approach to its characters. "The Cross and the Switchblade" may be predictable and at times unintentionally corny, but it has its heart in the right place and will pose convincing arguments even to those who aren't christian.

  • The Elephant Man

    The Elephant Man


    Film #5 of the Scavenger Hunt Challenge
    Task #14 A film by a director you've never seen any of their films before!

    No, I haven't seen Blue Velvet, or Eraserhead, or Mulholland Drive. But I do plan on seeing Mulholland Drive by the end of the year, since I seem to see it on allot of Letterboxd users "Favourite Films" banner. This is my first David Lynch film.

    The Elephant Man is quite possibly the saddest thing I have ever…