A Qur’an-citing half-Tunisian half-Finnish green alien in a metamodern documentary about a GTA V adaptation of Hamlet? I’m so into this
(& wanna be him so bad)
A Qur’an-citing half-Tunisian half-Finnish green alien in a metamodern documentary about a GTA V adaptation of Hamlet? I’m so into this
(& wanna be him so bad)
B: Todd, special holiday episodes are always stupid. Cynical cash grabs by greedy corporations looking to squeeze a few extra Nielsen points out of sentimental claptrap for mush-brained idiots who’d rather spend their Christmas watching a fake family on tv than actually trying to have a conversation with their own dumb families.
T: I LikE iT WheN PeoPLe oN TV HuG eaCh OtHeR 🤩🤩🤩