The film suffers from its low budget, but Matthew Gajkowski’s performance as Sargeant Hofffman propels “The Red Rose of Normandy” to spectacular heights.
5/5 stars
The film suffers from its low budget, but Matthew Gajkowski’s performance as Sargeant Hofffman propels “The Red Rose of Normandy” to spectacular heights.
5/5 stars
i was so confused about why i hated this movie despite it being an effective thriller, and then i realized it’s bc Esmail is great at building tension but shit at writing
This review may contain spoilers. I can handle the truth.
Watching this film at a festival, it was pretty entertaining up until its final twenty minutes—that was when the film lost me. And I don’t mean lost as in it confused me; more accurately, it frustrated me to a point where I wanted to scream.
I really like what the ending was going for: having the film follow multiple timelines disguised at one, only for it to be revealed in the final moments to re-contextualize the entire story. Only, it…