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  • There Will Be Blood
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  • Bridge of Spies


  • Romeo + Juliet


  • There Will Be Blood


Recent reviews

  • Bridge of Spies

    Bridge of Spies


    There are many cold war and spy movies, but this story seemed to be so much more easily digestible, which is one of its strengths. Like most Steven Spielberg movies, this film has a whimsical, child-like lens that translates the serious complexities of the Cold War into something palatable. (Spoiler Alert) And I think this sentiment is personified in the scene Tom Hanks has with his son when they have an exchange about nuclear fears and mid-century American indoctrination. Casting…

  • Romeo + Juliet

    Romeo + Juliet


    I think it’s better than some of the haters think. It’s a bold take on a literary classic. The aesthetic is very intriguing through the movie. I think it’s each actors’ portrayal of their characters that varies in quality. The leading Claire Danes and Leonardo DiCaprio are sufficient. While Leguizamo’s Tybalt and Perrineau’s Mercutio are show-stoppingly impressive, the rest of the cast leaves something to be desired.

Popular reviews

  • There Will Be Blood

    There Will Be Blood


    The best film in modern cinema. It’s a metaphysical  pilgrimage I require myself to experience with no interruption at least twice a year. From the opening with no dialogue for 15 minutes, to the heart wrenching baptism scene, to the climactic dark and somehow comedic ending is pure gold. Hands down the best movie I’ve ever seen or experienced, and I’d be surprised if anything ever surpasses it in my lifetime.